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Therapy NorthWest Training and Retreat Services

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Polyvagal Theory, Somatic Practices and Parts: Bringing the body into the therapy room

Polyvagal Theory, Somatic Practices and Parts: Bringing the body into the therapy room

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  • Delivered Online

  • All levels


An experiential workshop covering the foundations of polyvagal theory and a number of body based exercises for different states to bring the vagus nerve online for yourselves and your clients. Integrating Polyvagal theory and somatic work into any therapy modality and with particular consideration of working with parts of the self. 

Delivered by Dr Zandra Bamford who draws on over 20 years experience working with complex trauma. 

Specific learning objectives: 

1. Understand the basic principles of Polyvagal Theory, its relevance to psychological therapies and begin to see trauma through a polyvagal lens.

2. Explain the 3 primary evolutionary polyvagal responses and identify them in the self and others

3. Understand the importance of neuroception and using your own ANS to help that of others

4. Be able to use at least 3 body based techniques to establish ventral vagus connection with and for yourselves and your clients

5. Integrating Polyvagal theory and somatic work into working with parts of the self. 


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    Delivered Online

